[action ended] Dear ministers, end homelessness in the EU by 2030.

This Monday, Ministers of Employment and Social Policy from across the EU are meeting to discuss EU action on social rights and to combat homelessness.

But - despite the backing of the European Parliament for access to decent and affordable housing for all - the European Commission did not include a target to end homelessness in the action plan it presented last week.

📣 We need to bring this topic back to the agenda on Monday.

We have drafted a letter for you to send to your minister for Social Affairs. Just fill in your name and address and click to go to the next steps.

This is our draft letter. 👇

Subject: We need a target to end homelessness in the EU by 2030

Dear minister/state secretary,

I am writing to you ahead of the EPSCO Council meeting on Monday 15 March where you will be discussing the Action Plan on the European Pillar of Social Rights, because we need a target to end homelessness by 2030.

On 4 March the European Commission presented its Action Plan for the European Pillar of Social Rights. However, there was no target to end homelessness despite the adoption of the European Parliament’s report on Decent and Affordable Housing for all, and its resolution on tackling homelessness rates in November 2020 that called for this target.

This needs to change.

Homelessness is an extreme form of poverty and a violation of human rights and there can be no fair or inclusive EU recovery if we leave people behind. So, I am asking you today to push for the EU to set a target to end homelessness by 2030, as a sub-target of the poverty reduction target, at the Porto Social Summit on 7-8 of May.
We need to make sure that everyone in Europe has access to decent and affordable housing!

With political will, we can end homelessness.

Thank you in advance.

This action has ended, but we would like to keep you posted. 👇